Saturday, December 12, 2009

Prevention of Pressure Sores

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To prevent pressure sores there are some very straightforward 'Dos' and 'Donts' to follow


1.) Regularly move the person at risk and put them in different positions, thus altering the areas under pressure. 

For people sitting in chairs
Lift them clear of the chair for a few minutes every two hours; if they can stand with support during this time and carry out some gentle movement, so much the better . Reposition them slightly differently if possible. (e.g facing the opposite direction supported by pillows or cushions)

People in Bed
They should be turned and repositioned every two hours during the day and ideally at night too. They can be moved from their right side to their left, then on to their right again for these two-hours periods. Many older people find it difficult to stay on their side, rolling back into their buttocks, a pillow behind their back to support them often helps.

2. Lift and move the older person carefully so that the skin is not dragged on sheets or other surfaces. Keep the surface beneath them wrinkle and crumb free. 

3. Give a good mixed diet and good fluid intake to help to keep the skin healthy. 

4. Deal with loss of bladder and bowel control promptly and thouroughly. Ensure that the skin is washed and dried and barrier cream gently applied if available. 

5. Do not treat anemia promptly. 

6. Place sheepskin or other soft pelts if these are available under the areas at risk. The wool contains lanolin, which lubricates the skin and reduces friction because it does not wrinkle. They are no substitute for regular turning and changing position however. Problems of washing and disinfecting are avoided if small pieces are used and thrown away when they are no longer needed. 

1. Wash the skin excessively except following loss of bladder or bowel control . Washing removes the skin's natural oils and dries it out making pressure sores more likely.
2. Massage the skin; it is used to be thought that vigorous rubbing  promoted the circulation but it is noew realized that the friction this causes damages the skin even more and encourage the development of pressure sores.

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