Monday, April 11, 2011

70% Alcohol First Aid Treatment

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If your child accidentally ingest this type of chemical try not to panic and act accordingly . This are the things you need to do;

1. Wash affected area with free flowing tap water

2. Go Out in well ventilated room(open area)

3. Flush eyes with free lowing tap water

4. Drink large amount of water

5. Call Poison control center: 524-1078 (Philippines) for more help or go to the nearest hospital near you.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

R.I.C.E Treatment for Strains, sprains and contusions

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Rest , Ice, Compression, Elevation

First aid for strains, sprains, contusions, dislocations or uncomplicated fractures

- stop using injured part
-use crutches to avoid bearing weight on injuries of the leg, knee, ankle or foot
- use splints for injuries of the arm, elbow, wrist or hand

-Hastens healing time by reducing swelling around injury
-Keep damp or dry cloth between skin and ice pack
- Do not apply ice for longer than 15 to 20 minutes at a time

- Hastens healing time by reducing swelling around injury
- Use elasticized bandage, compression sleeve, or cloth

-Elevate injured part above level of heart(it decreases swelling and pain and you can use pillows or rolled towel )

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The 7D's of Stroke Care

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Use the 7 D's mnemonic to remember key points in the management of the stroke patient:

1. Detection
2. Dispatch
3. Delivery
4. Door
5. Data
6. Decision
7. Drug

Delay may occur at any of these points of management, so at each point, response to and management of the stroke victim may be skilled and efficient.

The first 3D's are the responsibility of the community, including the lay public, first responders and EMS responders.

Detection- detection occurs when a patient, family member, or bystander recognizes the signs and symptoms of a stroke or TIA and phones the emergency response number 911

Dispatch - EMS dispatchers must then prioritize the call for a suspected stroke patient as they would a victim of heart attack or serious trauma and dispatch the appropriate EMS team with high response priority.

Delivery - EMS providers must respond quickly, use a rapid prehospital stroke screening toll to identify the signs and symptoms of a suspected stroke, provide prearrival notification to the receiving hospital and transport the patient to a hospital capable of caring for patients with acute stroke. EMS providers should consider transporting the victim's relative or family member to confirm the time of symptom onset. The receiving hospital will rapidly evaluate the patients with acute stroke. EMS providers should consider transporting the victim's relative or family member to confirm the time of symptom onset. The receiving hospital will rapidly evaluate the patient, determine eligibility for fibrinolytics and provide fibrinolytic therapy within 3 hours of the onset of stroke symptoms

The last 4 D's are initiated in the hospital

Door - Initial emergency department triage and evaluation

Data - Acquiring a CT scan to diagnose the absence of hemorrhage in the brain

Decision - Identifying candidates eligible for fibrinolytic theraphy

Drug - Treating with fibrinolytic thera
Publish Post

Thursday, December 31, 2009

How can you help in Traffic accidents and Multiple Casualties

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In situations such as major traffic incidents, you may find yourself having to deal with several casualties at the same time. You may be on your own, working with other first aiders, or assisting professionals. Whatever the situation, a systematic approach is crucial in the initial chaos. Identify and attend to all unconscious casualties first, and conduct a primary survey to find and treat any life-threatening injuries.

How can you help?

Identify the serious casualties and mark them for immediate treatment. Move all casualties with minor injuries quickly from the site to allow access to serious cases; minor injuries can be treated when time allows. This process is called Triage.

-  Leave any casualties who are obviously dead so that you can give effective help to those who need it .

- Label all casualties , and write down their names and the details about their condition, to provide accurate records for medical personnel.

- Alert workers or residents near the site of a disaster to any further hazards

Then take these general precautions:
* Send bystanders to warm other drivers to slow down
* Set up warning triangles or lights at least 45m(49yds) from site in each direction.
* Switch off the ignition of any damaged vehicle and ,if you can , disconnect the battery. Switch off the fuel supply on diesel vehicles and motorcycles if possible.
* Stabilize vehicles . if a vehicle is upright, apply the handbrake and put it in gear, or place blocks just in front of the wheels. If a vehicle is on its side , do not attempt to right i, but try to prevent it from rolling over. So look out for physical dangers. Make sure that no one smokes. Alert the emergency services to damaged power lines , spilt  fuel., or any vehicles with Hazchem symbols.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

First Aid Kit on the Road

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If you're preparing a kit for your car, you also want to include the following items. While not first aid items per se, they come in handy when you're on the road

2. Flares
3. Nonprerishable foods and water
4. Electrical tape
5. Fire Extinguisher
6. Ice scraper
7. Road atlas
8. Rope(about 15 feet)
9. Shovel
10. Jumper cables
11. Tool Kit
12. Spare Tire and Jack
13. Waterproof matches

Creating a First Aid Kit

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The following are suggested things to put in your First Aid Kit. It is also possible to tailor your own first aid kit depending upon the need you have such as your client or depending on the place you are to go or depending on the occasion such as if the First Aid kit is for the house only or for traveling.

The following are the suggested contents for a First Aid Kit at Home

1. First Aid book
2. Pencil and paper
3. Change(for a phone call)
4. Matches and candle
5. Blanket(foil space -blankets work well and don't take up too much room)
6. Tissues
7. Soap
8. Paper cups
9. Flashlight
10. Medical records
11. Emergency Phone numbers
12. A checklist of the kit's contents
13. Latex gloves
14. Scissors
15. Tweezers
16. Syringe(to squirt water and rinse out wounds)
17. Cotton balls
18. Antiseptic wipes
19. Instant cold pack
20. Eye cup (to flush the eye)
21. Adhesive bandages (assorted shapes and sizes)
22. Butterfly bandages
23. First Aid tape
24. Elastic roller bandage(1"wide for fingers; 2" wide for wrist, hands and feet; 3: for the ankles ,elbows and arms ; and 4" wide for knees and legs
25. Gauze pads (3" by 3" or 4" by 4')
26. Eye pads
27. Non-stick pads (3" by 3" or 4" by 4')
28. Triangular bandages (55" across the base and 36" to 40" along side
29. Antibiotic ointment (such as Neosporin)
30. Antibiotic Spray
31. Aloe Vera gel
32. Ibuprofen ,acetaminophen and aspirin
33. Topical antihistamine(benadryl or calamine lotion)
 34. Epi-pen(an already prepared syringe of epinephrine ,available by prescription only)
35. Antacid
36. Activated Charcoal(to be used only under the direction of the poison control center)
37. Syrup of Ipecac(to be used only under the direction of the poison control center )
38. Sterile eye wash
39. Alcohol

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Prevention of Pressure Sores

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To prevent pressure sores there are some very straightforward 'Dos' and 'Donts' to follow


1.) Regularly move the person at risk and put them in different positions, thus altering the areas under pressure. 

For people sitting in chairs
Lift them clear of the chair for a few minutes every two hours; if they can stand with support during this time and carry out some gentle movement, so much the better . Reposition them slightly differently if possible. (e.g facing the opposite direction supported by pillows or cushions)

People in Bed
They should be turned and repositioned every two hours during the day and ideally at night too. They can be moved from their right side to their left, then on to their right again for these two-hours periods. Many older people find it difficult to stay on their side, rolling back into their buttocks, a pillow behind their back to support them often helps.

2. Lift and move the older person carefully so that the skin is not dragged on sheets or other surfaces. Keep the surface beneath them wrinkle and crumb free. 

3. Give a good mixed diet and good fluid intake to help to keep the skin healthy. 

4. Deal with loss of bladder and bowel control promptly and thouroughly. Ensure that the skin is washed and dried and barrier cream gently applied if available. 

5. Do not treat anemia promptly. 

6. Place sheepskin or other soft pelts if these are available under the areas at risk. The wool contains lanolin, which lubricates the skin and reduces friction because it does not wrinkle. They are no substitute for regular turning and changing position however. Problems of washing and disinfecting are avoided if small pieces are used and thrown away when they are no longer needed. 

1. Wash the skin excessively except following loss of bladder or bowel control . Washing removes the skin's natural oils and dries it out making pressure sores more likely.
2. Massage the skin; it is used to be thought that vigorous rubbing  promoted the circulation but it is noew realized that the friction this causes damages the skin even more and encourage the development of pressure sores.